RESULTS FOR 04-28-16

“I’ve learned that something constructive comes from every defeat.” — Tom Landry, former Head Coach of the Dallas Cowboys

Golf 24 USED

Don’t forget about the barbecue tomorrow. Lots of good food and good music, with the music being provided by two of our own club members. Hopefully they can play their instruments better than they play golf. Remember, the more beer you drink, the better the music will sound. Also, don’t be alarmed it you hear coyotes howling from South Mountain. It’s a normal reaction once the duo starts to sing. Regarding the President’s Cup tournament, last call for sign-ups for the qualifying first round will be Thursday right before the start of the round. Even if you don’t want to compete in the President’s Cup, you can still play in the regular tournament to be held at the same time.

The top golfers of today’s scramble tournament was the team of Mulville, Reeves, Soriano and Allison. They had a gross score of 64 and a net score of 52. Way to go guys.

Robert Escobedo


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