The Club Championship starts next Thursday, 9/4/14. Here are the rules for the tournament.
The Club Championship (CC) , the Super Senior Club Championship (SSCC) (age 80 and older) and the Club Net Champion (CNC), are 2 days of regular net stroke play tournaments. Flight prizes, and side game prizes will be awarded separately for both days of play. YOU CAN PLAY ONE OR BOTH DAYS. The CC and the SSCC will be the one player in each section having the best two day total GROSS SCORE (without handicap). The CNC will be the one player having the best two day total NET SCORE (with handicap). A player can not win more than one championship.
On the second day of play, the 4 players with the best first day gross scores will play together, starting on the #1 hole. This applies to both the CC and the SSCC, but not the CNC.
In the event of a tie for the CC or the SSCC after the second day of play, a sudden death playoff will be held, starting on hole #1, immediately after completion of the second round by all players. Any player(s) eligible for this playoff, but not present, will forfeit to the player(s) present. Any ties for the NCC will be decided by a second day scorecard playoff, starting on hole #1.
Index for all net play will be each player’s lowest index for the months of July, August, and September. Each player must have a SCGA index for the above three months and showing at least 15 posted scores.
Any disputes or rules questions will be decided by the Tournament Committee; Phil Youker, Earl Clark, and Rich Guzik.