RESULTS FOR 08-25-16

“Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better.” — Pat Riley, former Laker’s Head Coach

Golf #39 (USED)

Just a reminder about our up-coming barbecue to be held at the Mountain View Golf Course on Sept 30th. I hope you can all make it. It should be a lot of fun. Phil Youker is collecting the money. The cost is $ 15.00 per person. That’s a pretty good price. Where else can you get a barbecue meal, live music, a raffle and the pleasure of being in the company of a bunch of old geezers telling big-fish golf-stories. Also, don’t forget that the Club Championship Tournament starts on Sept 8th, so bring your “A” game.

On last week’s tournament results, I missed the “WD” on Frank Allison’s score indicating that he had withdraw without finishing, hence the really low score. So a correction is in order. Frank was not the top scorer. It was Patrick Reeves with the top gross score of 83. There was a 3-way tie for the best net score between Von Williams, Don Walker and me. We all had a 65. Like Tiny Tim would say, Way to go every one of us.

Today’s top scramble team was the team of Fenelon, Tapia, Youker and Mulville. They had a gross score of 64 and a net score of 54. Way to go guys.


Posted in Scrambles, Tournaments | 1 Comment

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