REVISED: Hey Golfers! Sorry for the late results posting, I’m out of town… I see they are sticking to the dress code at Saticoy! Thursday’s 4-man 2-best ball is a fun format that we haven’t played for a while and it’s the first time with Golf Genius, so it was a bit of a challenge. We had to use 3 blinds, which are chosen at random, but they made a difference (those darned blind guys!). The low gross was Ache (86) and the low net was Caldwell (63); and the winning team was Reeves, Charbonneau, Watson and a blind. Congrats! … and skins paid $6/ea.
Pins: Fenelon, #15, 8′-3″; Youker, #18 LP, 2′-11″ (really?), … paid $5/ea.